
Monday, June 30, 2014

I Da Man - Living up to the Expectations! A 2014 Must Use Sire!

Demand has been exceptional since first calf reports have come in! Order early!

I Da Man x Heatwave
Raised by M Lazy Heart Ranch

I Da Man x Shorthorn
Raised by Schaeffer & Tice

Call to order now!

Jose - New - Mature Photo Taken at Stud - June 2014! He's Big Time!

AMAA Reg. # - 421509
TH & PHA Free
The Most Intriguing Outcross CALVING EASE PB Maine-Anjou Sire in Years!

The Must Use Sire for Ali, I-80, No Worries, I-67, Jesse James, Total Solution and a host of other sire's daughters!

Mature photo - taken at stud - June 2014!

Call Executive Sires to order semen today - 434.962.3993
Cattle Visions - 866.356.4565

Django - Denver 2014 - Never Before Seen Video Footage from the National Western Stock Show!

Call to order Django semen today - 434.962.3993

No Worries - 2014's Most Popular Proven Calving Ease Sire! Order today!

No Worries is making his move to the top of the industry as the top calving ease sire in America! Everywhere we stop he's the first bull folks ask about! He's the talk of the town!

The calves are the real deal!

No Worries x Walks Alone Bull/Steer
Raised by Prince Farms - Ohio

Order today - 434.962.3993!

Slavik Show Cattle - Striking Show Steer Prospect - Sired by Power & Balance

Power & Balance x Dream Catcher Steer
Raised by Slavik Show Cattle - Michigan

Jim Slavik - 989-620-4288

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Jose - The Outcross Sire We Have All Been Looking For! Call to order today - 434.962.3993!

The Outcross Sire We Have All Been Looking For!

Complete outcross to Ali, I-80, No Worries, I-67, Jesse James and Many More Calving Ease Sires!

Call to order today - 434.962.3993!

SmokeStack - Backed by a dominant dam who raised a 2011 Major State Fair Champion Steer!

SmokeStack's Maternal Brother
2011 Indiana State Crowd Favorite & 
Reserve Grand Champion Steer

Smokin' Donor
SmokeStack's Dominant Donor Dam

Call to order semen today - 434.962.3993!

Monopoly Dominating the 2014 Chi/Maine Junior Nationals! - Order today!

As the great Al Davis used to say "Just Win Baby"! Monopoly does just that!  Use this bull in situations where you need champions!

MONOPOLY had a dominating week at the 2014 Chi and Maine Junior Nationals!  
There's never been a sire like Monopoly! 


Executive Sires has The Old Stuff, The Right Stuff & 
The Good Stuff!

When quality counts order your Monopoly from your 
trusted source!

Semen: Call for price!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

From Streitmatter Show Cattle - Stunning I Da Man x Winnie Show Heifer Prospect - Sells September 14th

Streitmatter Show Cattle
I Da Man x Winnie
Chi/Mainetainer Show Heifer
Sells in the Streitmatter Show Cattle fall pasture sale on September 14th

Ben Streitmatter - 219-869-3258

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Django - Denver 2014 - Never Before Seen Video Footage from the National Western Stock Show!

Call to order Django semen today - 434.962.3993

SmokeStack - Backed by a dominant dam who raised a 2011 Major State Fair Champion Steer!

SmokeStack's Maternal Brother
2011 Indiana State Crowd Favorite & 
Reserve Grand Champion Steer

Smokin' Donor
SmokeStack's Dominant Donor Dam

Call to order semen today - 434.962.3993!

Power & Balance - Continues to Build Steam!

Power & Balance x Ice Pick Steer
Raised by Roger Patterson

2014 Ohio Beef Expo
Crossbred Steer Show - Division 1 Reserve Champion Stere
Shown by Danielle Heintz
Raised by Reimann Ranches - South Dakota
Sold by Ottman, Dunklau & Winegardner
Sired by Power & Balance

Power & Balance is making waves around the country siring some powerful progeny! Talk to breeders who have used him so far, they're saying he breeds like his granddaddy, the old man himself Heatwave!

Call 434.962.3993 to order Power & Balance semen for spring breeding season!

Call to order your 
Power & Balance semen today!
Check out Power & Balance's 
video as a yearling! 

2014 Executive Sires - Sire Directory - Click to view!

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No Worries - 2014's Most Popular Proven Calving Ease Sire! Order today!

No Worries is making his move to the top of the industry as the top calving ease sire in America! Everywhere we stop he's the first bull folks ask about! He's the talk of the town!

The calves are the real deal!

No Worries x Walks Alone Bull/Steer
Raised by Prince Farms - Ohio

Order today - 434.962.3993!

Executive Sires - Breeders Club - Incentive Program!

Disclaimer: This incentive program applies only to bonafide junior 4-H and/or FFA members at 4-H and/or FFA shows unless show is otherwise listed. Any and all other shows listed including Kansas City (American Royal), Louisville (North American International Livestock Exposition), and Denver (National Western Stock Show) are limited to junior championship selections only for Supreme Breeding Heifer and Grand Champion Market Steer. No open shows or individual breed champions are included in this incentive payment program. No prospect calves or feeder calf shows are eligible for payment.

I Da Man - Living up to the Expectations! A 2014 Must Use Sire!

Demand has been exceptional since first calf reports have come in! Order early!

I Da Man x Heatwave
Raised by M Lazy Heart Ranch

I Da Man x Shorthorn
Raised by Schaeffer & Tice

Call to order now!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Django - Denver 2014 - Never Before Seen Video Footage from the National Western Stock Show!

Call to order Django semen today - 434.962.3993

SmokeStack - Backed by a dominant dam who raised a 2011 Major State Fair Champion Steer!

SmokeStack's Maternal Brother
2011 Indiana State Crowd Favorite & 
Reserve Grand Champion Steer

Smokin' Donor
SmokeStack's Dominant Donor Dam

Call to order semen today - 434.962.3993!

No Worries - 2014's Most Popular Proven Calving Ease Sire! Order today!

No Worries is making his move to the top of the industry as the top calving ease sire in America! Everywhere we stop he's the first bull folks ask about! He's the talk of the town!

The calves are the real deal!

No Worries x Walks Alone Bull/Steer
Raised by Prince Farms - Ohio

Order today - 434.962.3993!

Power & Balance - Continues to Build Steam!

Power & Balance x Ice Pick Steer
Raised by Roger Patterson

2014 Ohio Beef Expo
Crossbred Steer Show - Division 1 Reserve Champion Stere
Shown by Danielle Heintz
Raised by Reimann Ranches - South Dakota
Sold by Ottman, Dunklau & Winegardner
Sired by Power & Balance

Power & Balance is making waves around the country siring some powerful progeny! Talk to breeders who have used him so far, they're saying he breeds like his granddaddy, the old man himself Heatwave!

Call 434.962.3993 to order Power & Balance semen for spring breeding season!

Call to order your 
Power & Balance semen today!
Check out Power & Balance's 
video as a yearling! 

I Da Man - Living up to the Expectations! A 2014 Must Use Sire!

Demand has been exceptional since first calf reports have come in! Order early!

I Da Man x Heatwave
Raised by M Lazy Heart Ranch

I Da Man x Shorthorn
Raised by Schaeffer & Tice

Call to order now!

Interesting Video from Viva Las Vegas! Over a million views in 5 Days!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

Django - Denver 2014 - Never Before Seen Video Footage from the National Western Stock Show!

Call to order Django semen today - 434.962.3993

No Worries - 2014's Most Popular Proven Calving Ease Sire! Order today!

No Worries is making his move to the top of the industry as the top calving ease sire in America! Everywhere we stop he's the first bull folks ask about! He's the talk of the town!

The calves are the real deal!

No Worries x Walks Alone Bull/Steer
Raised by Prince Farms - Ohio

Order today - 434.962.3993!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

FLUSH UPDATE - Jose Working Extremely Well at Nowatzke Cattle! Successful Flush of the National Champion MJ Donor to Jose!

FLUSH UPDATE - Cash Langford
The great MJ Donor froze 8 of 8 to Jose! As we posted earlier, the top Maine-Anjou show heifer prospect at this time at Nowatzke Cattle for their fall 2014 sale is a Jose out of the National Champion MJ donor! 

Text from Cash Langford - "Best Maine heifer at the Nowatzke Ranch right now is a Jose out of the MJ heifer Kroupa won NAILE and Denver with! This heifer calf is real good! Excited to see how she looks this fall! We flushed that MJ cow back to Jose the other day."

MJ Donor

Call to order Jose semen today - 434.962.3993!

SmokeStack - Backed by a dominant dam who raised a 2011 Major State Fair Champion Steer!

SmokeStack's Maternal Brother
2011 Indiana State Crowd Favorite & 
Reserve Grand Champion Steer

Smokin' Donor
SmokeStack's Dominant Donor Dam

Call to order semen today - 434.962.3993!